Cream of Kentucky 11.5 Vs Wild Turkey 101


This is a bonkers comparison that I did not plan. How can an $18 bottle compete against a $150 bottle? But... Cream of Kentucky is a bottle that I definitely regretted spending the money on. It’s good, but I have never thought anything close to $150 good. Something about it reminded me of WT, and they’re both the same proof. I actually had to try them together 2 different times to make sure I came to the same conclusion...

I’m doing this one a little different and comparing together)
CK nose is more oak, and WT is more barrel char. CK has a little fruitiness on the nose, WT more vanilla and caramel. WT actually has the more intense nose. On the palate, CK is oak, vanilla, pecan, and has some stone-fruit along with rye-spice. The WT is also oak, but more on the barrel-char side, Vanilla, cinnamon, subtle stone-fruit, and barrel-spice. They both have similar-length finishes that include rye-spice, but again more charred oak on the WT, and mature oak on the CK.

Verdict) I was shocked how close these were! The rough edges of the younger WT101 are improved with a few drops of water. Cream of Kentucky 11.5 is a better pour, but not by a whole lot IMO... I definitely can’t justify it being 8x the price! 😳 
I could drink WT101 neat every day and be perfectly happy! I am not happy with what I paid for CoK 😏


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